Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Idol Rant~

For those of you unaware, I am a bit of a reality tv junkie. Not in an obsessive, tv hugging, insane kind of way. But a junkie nonetheless. Survivor, American Idol, Amazing Race, Dancing with the Stars, and even - shamefully - an occasional season of Big Brother. I don't cry if I miss an episode, however I do research what I missed online at first opportunity.

On to the event that prompted this venting - I just finished watching the American Idol finale. My reaction is......I have never been so happy that I gave in to (ex)boyfriend pressure and got a DVR. Could they seriously have mashed together a stranger array of performances??? Did they look for songs specifically to make every past contestant look as awful as possible??? And could the majority of Simon's tributes - including the painful-to-watch address from Princess Paula - have possibly been more awkward??? I actually like reality television and I forwarded through almost the entire show. I really like Chicago - and I STILL fwded through it - because it was the weirdest medley of songs ever. Also, was it just me or was there insane sound balance issues for the entirety of the evening? I kept waiting and waiting for that one performance, that one duet, that would make me save the recording to watch later. Suffice to say...never happened. Delete.

There are two exceptions to the snooze fest that was the finale - although neither are performances sadly. One, I really honestly liked the Simon tribute that was done to 'My Way' and the parade of idol alumni that followed. Not because those alumni had a great song or performance (because they didn't) but because it was touching. I will miss Simon. In fact, unless he is replaced by Neil Patrick Harris or someone incredible to look Will Smith...I will probably just follow the highlights online next year. (I say that now in my fit of despair - I may change my mind once that clears) The second thing I loved was Lee's winning moment. I have loved Lee since about top 12 - and his story is why I like this show. He kept me invested in this season and I was so happy to see him win. Before you Crystal lovers start leaving me hateful comments - I fully admit she is the better vocalist. However, she just can't hold my interest, I would never buy her music, and her eyes don't well up with tears of amazement any time anyone says nice stuff about her. Also, she was mouthy with the judges which just annoyed me. So I am on the Lee bandwagon and his winning almost made up for the ridiculousness (spellcheck vetoes my word choice - but I still make the rules in this blog) that was the finale. I suppose I will have to pin my summer hopes on The Price of Beauty.....

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