Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Word of the Day~

To fuel my wine habit I watch kids all day long. This choice has been mocked on occasion by people that think I need a 'real' job - but they have obviously never watched children for any length of time. I am not saying that some days aren't very easy, because they are....but you never know which day that is going to be. With young kids things can go haywire in an instant - and on those days I earn every penny of the big bucks. I don't ever regret trading in my 'real' money making career for what I do now. And here is just one of the reasons why....

Children are hysterical, adorable, and unpredictable. Every day is really an adventure of some degree, usually in a good way. At my house, we try to start off our mornings with a somewhat set routine. (I say 'try' because sometimes you just have to go off the grid - I have learned to be pretty flexible) Usually in the mornings my tv is on PBS because I love learning to say dinosaur in Spanish. (Di-no-sar-io) On Sesame Street they have a word of the day and today's word is 'exquisite'. So I am rocking a baby and watching this with a three year old boy as Eva Longoria Parker describes 'exquisite' by saying it means very beautiful and very special. And then this little boy makes my day, maybe even my week, with this conversation.

BOY: "You know what? You are exquisite!"
ME: "Really? You think so?"
BOY: "Yup! You are very beautiful and very special - So you are exquisite!"

I will take 'exquisite' over 'an asset to our company' any day in a job review. Priceless.

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