Monday, July 26, 2010

Three Strikes~

Pretty much everyone that lives in America, and I would venture to say many other parts of the world, understand the concept of three strikes and you are out. In relationships, I am out. Brad, John Black,, two, three....done. If I were truly smart I would quit now and devote my life to gardening and feeding the neighborhood strays.

Sometimes it makes me feel like a gigantic loser to have three fairly major failed relationships behind me. But sometimes it makes me feel relieved, like I did my part to try and create that kind of life and now that it hasn't worked out I can go guilt free into my future....of gardening and feeding mangy cats. No, no....I would have dead plants and dead cats littering my yard if I were solely in charge of those things. Not my forte. Some other spinster will need to pick up that banner and fly with it.

But sometimes it seriously feels like I have used up all my energy dealing with the men that have already come and go. Before I started dating Chet I felt like my life was in the best possible place that it could be. Everything was fantastic, I was happy, I had my circle of life was set up exactly the way I wanted it. I took a chance on Chet and risked messing up my perfect world and compromising to possibly create a better one - and that didn't pan out so well. Now that I am on the opposite end of that relationship and building back my life the way I like it, I find that I just don't have the energy to put it at risk again. I like my life. There would need to be a seriously spectacular man for me chance disturbing it again.


  1. This makes me happy. I am not generally happy lately, and in fact, I'm a little pissed that I hadn't known you posted it, but this made me smile this morning. Since Blogger is becoming increasingly annoying, I changed my blog to TypePad. I'll be posting from there from now on, but it will update on fb as well when I post. :)

  2. I will have to look at your new spot when you post! I am fairly computer savvy, and blogspot still feels somewhat strange to me and I have been blogging for almost a year. I think the reason the new posts don't show is because they post on the date that they are first started - not the date I actually put them up on the blog. I don't know how to change that?
