Monday, July 5, 2010

Things That Annoy Me: Part Two~

All the people that talk about how BP isn't getting the oil cleaned up fast enough and that they should do more and do it now.

Do you seriously think that they want this process to go slowly? Like all the BP head honchos are sitting there in their office watching the news coverage and swapping strategies:

"Look at all the free publicity we are getting! Can we keep it flowing for another month or two? I think it will really jack up our profits."

"Name recognition is at an all time high. I think we should just hold off on the clean up for a little bit longer."

" we really want to waste all our secret oil clean-up toys on this little spill? We may want to wait and use them on a really big one."


Should you be able to complain that regulations weren't properly in place or that they weren't be careful enough with our natural resources? Sure. But they weren't and it happened. Nothing we do or say or bitch about changes that. The best way to move forward is to pour our energy and our resources - and BP's energy and resources - into doing the best we can to limit the effect it has and to get it under control as quickly as we can. I am not by any means saying we can't be outraged or rant...but let's do it intelligently.

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