Thursday, September 9, 2010

Conversations with God~

Here is how I talk to God eighty percent of the time:

What the hell, God? What am I supposed to do with this?


God, that was awesome! Do it again!

You have got to be kidding me…do I REALLY need to do that?

God and I are buddies. I say formal prayers on Sunday in church. Some nights before I go to sleep I say the prayers that my parents taught me when I was a child going to sleep. When I am really stressed or conflicted I pull out my rosary and take comfort in the parade of Hail Marys. But mostly….I just have this streaming real life conversation where I randomly say things to God in the heat of the moment in whatever language I happen to have floating around in my brain. Sometimes…..sometimes, I even swear. And I picture God rolling his eyes at me, hopefully somewhat amused at how feisty I am. Hopefully.

In return for my being an awesome friend, God always comes through for me. Always. Now, this does not always happen in the way that I would like. But it happens. Whenever I truly am in need, somewhere there is an answer for me. And this isn’t just in abstract ways. There have been times in the past where I was stressed about paying an important bill, and I got an unexpected bonus check. Times where I had been home by myself feeling lonely and had an unexpected visitor to bring me back around. There have been real and tangible instances where God has seen exactly what I needed and loved me enough to provide it. This week I was awash in self doubt about if I could financially afford to continue the path that I am on – and I immediately received communications asking for my help, reassuring me that I am doing exactly what I am meant to do. And that is why frequently I end my conversations with God like this:

Thank you.


  1. Have you read any of the "Conversations with God" books by Neale Donald Walsch? Conservative Christians consider them heresy, but I like them. Don't tell anyone. :-)

  2. I haven't read them, but I have seen them and wondered if they would be up my alley. I may have to check them out! Thanks for the heads up - and no worries, your secret is safe with me....and all my blog readers haha
